Saturday, December 27, 2008


I have not had the time to make posts or scan pictures, so it has been awhile since you have seen a post. I will try to spend some time getting some of the pictures together from Christmas and posting them here. Christmas was wonderful this year. The kids being a little older, had more of a sense of what was going on. When we went to take pictures with Santa Claus, Gabrielle didn't want to leave. She kept hanging on to him and saying "my Santa" "my Santa." I thought it was cute. The picture came out pretty good, so that is one I need to post.

We went to "midnight mass" which is at 9pm this year. Go figure. The kids weren't bad, but some people were less tolerant and I almost had a verbal altercation with a very rude woman who muttered some things in my general direction. She seemed to appreciate the children that were in the cry room only. I just took my disruptive child and sat outside the doors, still looking in on the mass. We will need to do some thinking about churches that can accomodate our brood. It's getting really harder to get to and through church these days and I need it more!

Christmas day was just lovely. The kids got way more than they need, but they had a fun time opening presents and oohed and ahed over different toys, trying all of them out within a quick span of time. We had a nice Christmas dinner, preparing it for the first time ever! Grandmas etc. had to come to us! It was exciting passage down. Now, I want to pass back the torch because watching children, cleaning, cooking on very little sleep after staying up to put together toys is for the birds! I think my mom will have to host it at her house and cook next year. All in all it was a wonderful day! Hope everyone out there had a great Christmas too. Thanks for reading about my family. :D

Friday, September 26, 2008

Photography by Mike

My 3 - So cute




Gabby again

I think these are some of the most beautiful pictures I have seen. The photographer did a phenomenal job. He is one of the top digital people in Florida and wins all kinds of awards for his photos. However, he is very reasonable. I am so glad we got a chance to have him take pictures of our babies. If any of my family wants to order pictures of the kids, call him at 863-385-9991.


Sunday, September 21, 2008

Our new business

Please check out

We are excited that we have gotten the chance to join this groundfloor opportunity. If you purchase things online or know people who do, this is a wonderful way to earn income. We know someone personally who earned 5k in her first month of business and it motivated us to involve ourselves.

If you do buy items online, please add our website and use it as your preferred search engine for shopping. It includes Sears, Walmart, Target, Gap, Old Navy, MACYS (My personal favorite),Babies R US, Toys R Us, and 100s of other stores. In all, they have over 700 stores, easily arranged by what you are looking for. It gives you a discount in purchasing and it benefits our family as well. Why should GOOGLE be the only search engine to make money? Please pass the word and if you are interested in joining our venture, we can help you out! Just let us know!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

M.O.S.T. Mothers of Supertwins New Video

I am a member of this organization and am a volunteer. I am an area coordinator and after thorough training and the real life experience of being a mother to "surviving" quadruplets, I reach out to mothers who are expecting higher order multiples, providing support, education, and resources when available. This is MOST's latest fundraising efforts. A few of these ladies I have communicated with on a forum where mothers network. One of these ladies I saw on a show OMG! I am having Sextuplets. It was very moving to me. I thought I would share. I am one of the survivors of losing a preemie baby.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Excitement about McCain and Palin

This is the first time in a long time, I have been so excited about a presidential/vice presidential nominee. I cannot believe the people out there who are so hesitant to vote for this man. I cannot believe the words, "I feel like I have no choices. There isn't a candidate I support." This is one man I would stand behind and feel safe about running our country! I thought to myself years ago he was an excellent candidate for president.

This is a man with integrity, a man who doesn't change his answers to fit the venue and appease the audience at the time. He speaks as honest as any presidential candidate could ever speak. He is as humble as a presidential nominee could be. He has his finger on the issues: healthcare, increasing employment, energy, education: all pressing issues. I believe this is a man who will try to accomplish all that he can, but I am not deluded enough to think he can accomplish this alone. This is the executive of our country, but he is not the end all and be all. The legislative branch and the judicial branch of our country ensure that change is slow.

Many seem to be tired of hearing that he was a P.O.W. They think he is a one trick pony act, playing the P.O.W. card. Only in America can a man rise through the ranks of the military, become a P.O.W., live to tell about it, and become a presidential nominee. He is making history. Barack doesn't own the rights to that.

Nobody can effectively argue against John McCain's foreign policy expertise. His record and reputation are solid. His ability to oversee potential strategic military involvement is clear. Additionally, he actually has 2 sons in the military who have served our country. He comes from a long line of military. In fact, Palin's son is in the military too. Who do you want making decisions about whether it is necessary to send your children off to war? A man who never served nor had children serve? or a man whose children will be fighting alongside your children?

Isn't it ironic in a time where we have just ended the reign of terror of Sadam Hussein, we have Barack Hussein Obama running for president? Omen? or Conspiracy? Regardless of Barack's unproven origins, his experience is questionable. So many questions exist - Just where does Barack stand on the issues? His waivering and pandering leave us unclear. His wife does not help his cause, alienating the America she is so angry at for oppressing her. Poor Michelle with a home worth over 1 million dollars and a position paying over 300,000.00 per year with a hospital and a 52,000 salary for being on the Board of Directors for another company. I wish I was oppressed like that. The influence of Reverend Wright and his attendance at a church for over 20 years which was essentially anti-American propoganda clothed with scripture leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

Any descent from Barack being president leads to questions about racism - how dare you not vote for the first real non-white contender for president? You must be a rascist. Maybe we just detest your arrogance and sense of entitlement. Maybe we question your honesty and ability to make decisions. After all being the president does require making decisions swiftly and it requires experience. You have given the same speech about Hope and Change countless times, but I am no clearer on who you are and what you really stand for. Being a president requires authenticity and sincerity.

I will try to refrain from calling Barack supporters idiots. I can understand we are in real trouble. Gas prices and everything that requires or is affected by gas prices are higher than ever. The real estate market has plummeted. Car sales are down. People are going into foreclosure and bankruptcy increasingly. People are out of jobs and unhappy with the way things are. Bush is who we blame for everything. Therefore, we want some unknown who sells us a dream of change without any plan of action that is realistic. He sells us with his charisma but has no road map. Are we that gullible that we fall for a bunch of promises from someone who has had years to deliver with his congressional positions, but hasn't? Are we that obtuse that we think John McCain is the same as Bush?

Well that is my 2 cents on the matter. I love the McCain/Palin ticket and hope you do too!

Friday, July 25, 2008

Randy Pausch The Final Lecture - Very Meaningful

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Phenom and The Dancers Get Big Girl and Boy Beds

I have been using this blog for posting pictures as I get them developed but I haven't really given an update on what is going on with the kids. Life is full and life is busy. My kids are the greatest thing that have ever happened to me, but at the same time, they are the biggest challenge. I think I have muttered a few times "I don't want to do this parenting thing." I was an expert in parenting before I had children. I always knew what to do to get the desired behavior. Just ask all my friends with kids. All I can say is that I am sorry to all of you who had to endure advice from me. I think this parenting thing is the toughest job ever!!!!! The kids are 2 years and a few months now. They are talking up a storm, even when we cannot understand what they are saying. Full sentences here and there. The favorite ones are "What's that?" which is said over and over until I have named every object at least twice. "Here you go," which is offered mostly by Allie as she doles out to the other kids some snack. My least favorite is "I want..." Usually it is said over and over, more and more loudly until it gets to hysteria at which point, I shouldn't give them whatever they want because I am reinforcing the whining behavior. However, my ears are going numb and temporary insanity sets in. I concede. Here are the cookies!! Here are the car keys!! Here are the kitchen knives!! Okay, I'm kidding. I would never give them the car keys. Ha ha.

They started climbing out of their cribs at bedtime, even with the crib tents which have successfully locked them in for months now. In the last few weeks, the kids have been going to bed later and later as we struggle over bedtime. The other night I hear my husband saying "Why do you guys do this to me? Do you think I like to spank you? I hate to spank you!" and then some cries followed. I have given up attempting to get them all back to bed. I concede. If he leaves the bedtime thing to me, they will all be running around until midnight. They laugh at me when I get stern. It's as if they are saying "Oh Mommy, you are so funny! Do you really think we are going to listen to you?" I have to say, I turned into my mother. I am constantly tattling on my kids and leaving my husband to be the disciplinarian. "Daddy, they are out of bed." "Daddy, they are running down the hall." etc. And yes, I call him Daddy. We have turned into some hillbilly cliches where we call each other "ma" and "pa."

As a result of all their climbing out of their cribs, we decided that they are ready for big girl and boy beds. The girls have toddler beds and Hunter has his crib converted to a daybed. They love their big boy and girl beds, though they don't spend much time in them. All of them wake up and climb into bed with us in the middle of the night or the early morning. I was terribly squooshed last night when all 5 of us were in the bed. Family closeness! On the bright side, we have some pretty talented children. Hunter is showing some interest and talent with sports. He would sleep with a baseball glove it we let him. He knows how to hold a bat. His stance is so cute! He dribbles a soccer ball phenomenally. We think he is going to be a PHENOM. I have never seen a 2 year old with such enthusiasm for sports. He is always happy with a ball in his hands. The girls are little dancers. Turn on the music and you will see rhythm. Watching them dance always makes me smile. In fact, Allie will ensure she gets my attention by yelling "Mama! Mama!" When, I look at her she is shimmying her shoulders or wiggling about in such a cute way. Hunter gets in on the action too. If we turn on Baby Einstein, The Wiggles, or Barney, they will wiggle and giggle away. It's too cute. So, in all being a parent is wonderful. The cuddles. The smiles. The laughter. Sure there is whining and temper tantrums, but the good so outweighs the bad. Can I have some more please? Just don't tell my husband I asked that. Here is a video that Aunt Judy took of the babies watching Einstein.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Saint Augustine

We went to Saint Augustine back in April which was a birthday present to me. It was the kids first time to the beach. I have a lot of pics I need to post from that visit, but these were sent to me by our new friend Tiffany, of Georgia.

She and her friends were the sweetest and Gabby really took to her. I thought I would share these pictures.

Our play date at Red Lobster with the Fulton Quads

Anthony, Me, Savanah, Cathy and her husband
with my 3 babies and her 4 babies

All the interested babies with the Manager of Red Lobster showing them a lobster and letting them touch the lobster

Just the kids

I belong to a higher order multiples club, MOST (Mother's of Super Twins) and met a lady named Cathy through that organization. She was passing through Sebring so she stopped to have lunch with us. They were the nicest family. I really enjoyed meeting them. Unfortunately, due to the bad behavior of my children, we didn't get to spend much time talking! Here are some pics that she just sent to me. I love them!!

Monday, April 14, 2008

For Preston

Never a day goes by that I don't think of my Preston. Birthdays are especially difficult. Kathy Triccoli's song expresses how I feel so well. There will come a day when I will see your face again.

Sunday, April 06, 2008

2nd Birthday Party Pictures.... More will follow







The girls

Saturday, April 05, 2008

My babies turned TWO!!!

April 3rd was my babies' 2nd birthday. They are getting so big! Their birthday party is this Sunday. After the party, I will post pictures of my little ones!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Gabby and Allie Dance

Okay I have really struggled getting this video on here of the girls dancing at Lauran's party. Can ya please comment???? I uploaded it to GOOGLE and YOUTUBE and finally figured out, I think (crossing fingers), how to get this on my blog. ENJOY

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Lauran's 60th Birthday Party aka Auntie Granny

Thursday, January 17, 2008

I would die for that