Friday, August 10, 2007

I am starting a new private practice!!

I am so excited! I am starting a new private practice. This is my dream and I can't believe I have found an affordable place to hang my little counseling sign. Any suggestions out there for names of my business or should I just use my name? Please give me some ideas.

I can't say I am not nervous, apprehensive, butterflies instomach, and somewhat overwhelmed by the hurdles I have to jump to get it going. Me, in business for myself??? But, YAY!! I am finally doing it. I will do everything I can to make it successful.

By the way, it's going to be on the circle in Sebring!! Send people my way :D

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Rock You slide show

From Jello to Stuffed Animals

Allie aka Lexie aka Alexandria (dang we should decide)




Eyes that will make a model jealous

Monday, August 06, 2007

Our Girls

The girls have been walking since the end of April at 12 months of age, which is darn good since they are preemies. They are into EVERYTHING. The love to open drawers and pull everything out, pull all the video tapes out of their cabinet and put them all over the floor, empty out all their socks, find the pots and pans and pull them out to bang, and run around outside. It sure is a challenge. I have been told that the walk like Paris Hilton. I am sure they will grow out of it, even if she didn't. They are beginning to say more words. Gabby says baby, hi, and ice. Alexandria says okay. They love to mimic sounds and gestures. They wave bye bye, shake their heads no, give kisses aka "wahs", and climb! I guess they are not babies anymore!



Allie again


Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Hunter's Pageant in My hometown!

At the end of last year, Hunter won Mr. Oktoberfest and got his entry free to the state finals in Augusta Georgia. Besides a nice $500.00 gift certificate to the mall and other prizes, I thought it was great to take a trip to my "home." Although I was born in Texas, we didn't live there very long. Augusta is where I spent all of my elementary and the beginning of middle school; I really wanted to see it again. Of course, I thought it was great that Hunter could win scholarships too. So... Auntie Granny Lauran, Judy, Daddy, the three babies, and I loaded up and took an 8+ hour drive to Augusta at the end of May for the "State Finals" of New Star Discovery. The trip was hallacious with three little ones, but they did well considering! We stayed at the Mariott in Augusta which is (to date) the nicest hotel I have stayed at. That part was wonderful. We got settled in the first night, preparing for the next day's competition. They had so many categories, which meant different outfits, accessories, etc. From 8am till 3 or 4 pm, we were parading back and forth from the hotel room to the pageant area, after changing into the next new outfit from: playwear, swimwear, angel face, sweetest smile (where your child is supposed to smile on command) to state costume, parent/child, formalwear, product, etc. etc. etc. There was no real nap with the longest break being an hour ( a bad plan for babies) and Hunter was fit to be tied. He cried and cried everytime he got on stage. The judges stopped even paying attention when he would come onto the stage. He got better in the afternoon, but it was too late. He may have been one of the most adorable babies there, but nobody could tell with his face all scrunched up. I didn't get many pics or much video because I was too busy trying to stand near the stage doing everything from jumping up and down to making funny faces to get him to smile (after taking cues from other parents and some displeased judges). I knew 15 min into the "competition" that he had no chance of winning.... again... not because he wasn't adorable, but because he wasn't going to cooperate after an 8 hour trip and sleeping in a strange bed (pack and play) in a strange place and then getting on a stage with 100s of people staring at him. Okay, live and learn. While he was on stage "not" doing his thing, the girls were quite happy running around and smiling. My husband said that we should of entered the girls because at least if one was having a bad moment, she could have a body double. Ha Ha. I learned just enough to not want to ever do it again, unless the kids probe ME to do it. But, it was still a nice trip and Hunter surprisingly finished 3rd runner up overall for his age and several 1st place trophies were recieved for different categories. We went to my old neighborhood, saw my childhood home, and had some great food. I fell in love with the area. I don't recall being in love with it growing up. I guess I had to grow up to appreciate it. The trees abundant and green, the huge lakes, the beautiful streams and the river front area abundant with flowers and greenery, lush green grass, hilly roads, fresh air..... I wish I lived there. I asked my husband if we could move there, but sadly he said no. I'd have to relocate several family members there and most aren't willing to go. Sigh. Oh well. Here are a few pics from the trip. Enjoy!!

Hunter in the car

Hunter(L)Gabby(C), Alexandria (R)

The Trio Again

The beautiful woods of Georgia

The neighborhood of my old childhood home

More of the neighborhood

The neighborhood and our new Jeep

My old home in Augusta. Brings back good memories!! Started kindergarten there and I still remember it.

Alexandria getting dressed up in Hunter's State costume with Auntie Granny

Alexandria aka Mickey again with Auntie Granny.

Hunter throws a fit!! One of many to come!!!

Pajama Contest

PJ Contest Again. One of the good moments!!!

Our Little Cowboy in Western Wear portion of contest!

Whew!! Another one he made it through without screaming!